Friday, October 15, 2021

In case you have to replace your covid card

The Florida Dept of health for Hillsborough County
Main Page (Click on the following link)-

Note:  You will need the first and second dates of your vaccine for this form as well as the location that you received the vaccine.


Thursday, October 14, 2021

We Need Your Help in updating the Resident Telephone and Club Leader Directory Information...



Rose Panella


This is the last chance to check and see if your information is correct in the current phone book. Please look in your current phone book and check the list of Activities. There is a number of activities and clubs listed. If you are no longer the point of contact for any of these listed, I need to know before the new directory gets printed.

Monday, September 27, 2021





Friday, September 3, 2021

SLOW DOWN! Additionally, Please STOP at STOP SIGNS...for the SAFETY of our Mobility Challenged and Residents!

PLEASE SLOW DOWN when going around the Garbage Truck.

As a reminder the Speed Limit in StrawBerry Ridge is 15 MPH.  Please follow that limit whenever you are driving in the community.  However, please use extra care and caution when you see the Garbage Truck in the community.

Just because the truck is in one location, that does not mean the workers are!  They are constantly crossing the street and maybe ahead or behind of the truck.  We are asking to use caution and REDUCE your speed dramatically when trying to go around the Garbage Truck.  As a reminder, you should only go around the Garbage Truck when it is safe to do so.  Please drive carefully.

Thank you,

Keith W. Stevens
General Manager

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Strawberry Ridge Resident Directory and Phonebook Updates/Cutoff Dates:



Rose Panella


This is the last chance to check and see if your information is correct in the current phone book.  If you have moved, changed phone number (either your land line or your cell number), changed your e-mail address, and you still want to be in the phone book, I will need to know this.  If you decide you do not want to be listed at all in the phone book, again I will know this.  I have the necessary forms for these changes to be completed just outside of the Homeowner’s Association Office in the Activity Center. Once you have completed the form, please drop the Form in the drop slot of the Homeowner’s door.

 The 2021-2022 phone book information goes to the printer on September 1, 2021. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the number above.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Hurricane Season is coming June 1st...Are you ready?


While the hurricane season doesn't actually start until June 1st, tropical formations are already starting.Hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th. It's time that we should start making plans in the event one comes our way. The following information is for people who have special needs and need help in evacuating:

There are several Special Needs (Medical) Shelters in Hillsborough County. A special needs shelter is a temporary emergency facility capable of providing care to residents whose medical condition is such that it exceeds the capabilities of the Red Cross Shelter but is not severe enough to require hospitalization. Health Department doctors and nurses support these shelters. You must be pre-registered before the hurricane. Early registration allows emergency officials to quickly identify and check on those that need medical attention. Special Needs applications are available by calling Hillsborough County's Infoline at (813) 272-5900 or the Hillsborough County Health Department (813) 307-8063. This will help in determining which shelter they should go to and what, if any assistance they require to evacuate. You can download it at  

FOR THOSE OF YOU WITHOUT SPECIAL NEEDS, be advised that the following shelters are the closest to us. You will be advised as to which one(s) are open for each event:

Valrico Elementary, 609 S. Miller Rd.
Nelson Elementary, 5413 Durant Rd.
Mulrennan MS, 4215 Durant Rd.

TO LEARN ABOUT PROTECTING YOUR PET,  call 813-744-5660. The ones that accept pets are:

Shields Middle School 15732 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin
Bartels Middle School 9020 Imperial Oak Blvd
Smith Middle School 14303 Citrus Pointe Dr. Citrus Park
Burnett Middle School 1010 N. Kingsway Rd, Seffner

Everyone should file their emergency contact numbers with the Sales Office in the event of an emergency.  This is especially true for those residents who live alone.  With that info in their file for you, it will be much easier to contact a relative in the event of any emergency.  This is a good time to prepare your home by making sure that all trees around your home are trimmed and that the exterior of your home is in good order. You can also start stocking up on batteries, non-perishable food, and water. Make sure that you don't let your medications run out. Keep the gas tank in your car full. Have some cash on hand. Have you had your hurricane straps checked recently to make sure that they are secure? Do you have a cellphone in the event that our phone service is interrupted for a long time? There is a government-sponsored program that will provide individuals who quality with a free cellphone. To see if you qualify, go to

For more info on hurricane preparedness, go to

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

C.E.R.T. Meetings

 C.E.R.T. MEETING - 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30PM

Follow The Benevolent Fund on Facebook...


Hillsborough County Assistance Programs


If you are currently struggling financially, Hillsborough County has a program that can help with Rent and Utilities.  Please go to the link below for more information.

Funding made available to assist residents who have had a reduction of wage or are newly unemployed due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

The funding aims to prevent recipients from experiencing further financial hardship or additional consequences to living conditions by assisting them with a lump sum payment directly to eligible residents to be used for rent and mortgage payments and financial assistance for past-due utility (electric) bills.

The R3 Utility and Housing Assistance portal is open and accepting applications. Financial assistance is awarded on a first-come basis and while funding remains available. It is recommended you complete your application all at once to ensure your application is submitted before the funding is accounted for.
For questions or assistance, call (866) 538-2926 to speak with a Customer Call Center Representative. The call center is open from 8 AM until 6 PM Monday through Friday.

Please stay safe and healthy!

Keith W. Stevens
General Manager

Monday, May 10, 2021

News from the Manager



Keith W. Stevens General Manager

We are now in the time of year when the leaves have stopped falling (or at least mostly have stopped falling) and everyone is ready to start cleaning up around their homes. Here is a checklist to help make sure everything gets done and keeps our homes looking great!

1. Walk around the entire exterior of the home to see if it needs to be cleaned. Sometimes people forget about the rear of the home. There are plenty of inexpensive products that clean the siding using a simple garden hose, it does not require a pressure washer. Those cleaning items can be found at Lowes and Home Depot, etc.

2. Does your yard need to be mowed? As we move into the rainy season the grass will be growing much faster.

3. Do your trees need to be trimmed? Reminder, they have to be 16' off of the roadway.

4. Take a look at your flowerbeds, do they need trimming or weeding?

Make sure your gutters are cleaned out. This also protects you from water causing damage to your roof.

Our community benefits when everyone makes sure that their home is as beautiful as it can be.

Ping Pong Club



Strawberry Ridge Ping Pong Club News

 By Jack Beedon

Ping Pong at Strawberry Ridge is played every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the Clubhouse at 8:30 AM until 10:00 AM. You can also play at other times to sharpen your game. The enclosed picture is two of our very good players Juan and Ed. They are also good teachers and encouragers who will help anyone sharpen their skills or even learn to play for the first time. May is a special month when we honor those men and women who have given their lives to keep us free in this great country. Many of you are vets, and I am willing to bet that when you were in the military you used your free time to play ping pong. Well, it’s time to play again, and you will be more than welcome to join us. I’ve talked to a few of you men and women who played in the past, and I know that you can join us and do well. Notice in the picture, masks are worn and even though we have had the vaccine we will continue to play with masks until we are finally allowed to remove them for good. Come and join us. My phone number is (585) 766-0028. Give me a call, and we will arrange a time suitable for you.

To all you veterans living here in Strawberry Ridge a special thanks for your service to this great country and too, come on out and join us on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Mosquitoes problem?


  1. Reduce the number of breeding sites on your property.

    Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. The eggs hatch into larvae about three days later, and about 12 days after that, adults emerge and fly away. Considering that each female can lay up to 400 eggs and the life cycle is complete in about two weeks, you can see why mosquito populations can increase so quickly. Reducing the amount of standing water around your home will minimize breeding sites and reduce the number of mosquitoes. Some places to look include clogged rain gutters, tree holes, potholes, old tires, discarded cans and containers and the saucers of your outdoor flower pots.
  2. Kill mosquito larvae where the insects breed.

    If you have standing water you want and enjoy, such as a birdbath, one option is to change the water every week. In water gardens or ponds you can use Mosquito Control Rings which contain a naturally occurring bacterium that kills mosquito larvae for 30 days.
  3. Use a mosquito repellent in your outdoor living space.

  4. Light attracts mosquitoes and other insects, so after dark you should also minimize outdoor lighting.

It’s the beginning of mosquito season. Call or email for service. Here's the Mosquito Control info: or call 813-252-5900 .

A Message from the Manager (Spring Cleaning)...



Is it time to spring clean your home and yard?

We are now in the time of year when the leaves have stopped falling (or at least mostly have stopped falling) and everyone is ready to start cleaning up around their homes.  Here is a checklist to help make sure everything gets done and keeps our homes looking great!

  1. Walk around the entire exterior of the home to see if it needs to be cleaned.  Sometimes people forget about the rear of the home.  There are plenty of inexpensive products that clean the siding using a simple garden hose, it does not require a pressure washer.  Those cleaning items can be found at Lowes and Home Depot, etc.
  2. Does your yard need to be mowed? As we move into the rainy season the grass will be growing much faster.
  3. Do your trees need to be trimmed? Reminder, they have to be 16' off of the roadway.
  4. Take a look at your flowerbeds, do they need trimming or weeding?

Thank you all for keeping our community beautiful.

Keith W. Stevens
General Manager

Painting Class



Clay Berry Pit Ceramics...



The Berry Clay Pit is always a flurry of activity.  Need some new yard decor?  Stop down at the Berry Clay Pit and see some of the beautiful creations.  Would you like to join them?  Hours are Tuesdays 6-9PM, Thursdays 1-4PM, Saturdays 9AM-Noon. The Berry Clay pit is located in the Fitness Center.

Water Pressure Problem



News about the low water pressure.

As you are all aware we have been battling low water pressure throughout the community for some time now.  Once this issue began, we started inspecting our infrastructure, from beginning to end, to determine if the problem was here within the community.  As part of that inspection, we found that our control valves for the water needed to be replaced, so we made that improvement to the water system.  Other than that, no issues were found that could cause low pressure.

Throughout all of this, I have been in contact with the County to advise them of the issue and to work towards a resolution.

Yesterday I had a conversation with Hillsborough County Water and here is what they believe is happening and what they will be doing to fix it...

The County has 2 main Water pumping stations.  One in Tampa and one in Lithia (which is the station that provides us with water).  In order to handle the increase in need for water throughout the County, a change was made in how much each station would be pumping out.  The Lithia Station's output was decreased.  It appears that this decrease is cause of our issue.  We are required by law to have what is called a "Backflow Preventer" on our main line entering StrawBerry Ridge.   This piece of equipment prevents water from backflowing into the county's line, but it also decreases water pressure.  When the County made the change in how much each station would pump, the important detail of the Backflow Preventer was overlooked.

The fix is not just as simple as increasing the flow from the Lithia station, they must have the data to make the correction works throughout the county.  So the County has installed Flow meters in StrawBerry Ridge and Taho Woods.  Once enough data is collected and if it supports this conclusion, then they will be making a change. There is no timeline yet on when that will occur. In the meantime, there is no need to report low pressure issues to us or the county, we are all working towards the resolution.

I will update everyone as more information becomes available.

Keith W. Stevens
General Manager

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Stay Informed...Life Happens!


STAY INFORMED! (5/09/21)


There are always many wonderful things going on in Strawberry Ridge. And it’s easy to keep informed on them all. Here are a few to mention:

There is a great Phone Directory that is updated every year. It contains all kinds of useful information…a listing of all the residents and their phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses. You will also find contact info for the Sales Office, the Homeowners Association, and a listing of all the clubs and activities along with contact info. The phone directory is free to all residents. If you don't have one, call Rose Panella at 918-0126, and she will get one to you.

The StrawberryToppings is distributed to each home by the 1st of each month. It contains all the recent announcements and news about all the activities and the community. Do use it for reference throughout the month. If you have articles for the Toppings, you can send them to Bob Burfitt, Editor, at srtoppings@gmail.comThe deadline is the 15th of each month. If you are having problems getting one delivered to your home, contact Diana Lemon at 903-539-1437

If you have a computer, you can check the Strawberry Ridge Blog every day at There are also blogs for Computer Club, Travel Club, Toppings, the Veterans Club, SR Bulletin Board, R.A.C. (Resident Advisory Council,) The Late Bloomers (garden club,) and the Homeowner’s Association which are listed on the sidebar. You will find information for the activities, events calendar, and many more things on the blogs. Articles and pictures for the Blogs can be submitted to or call Larry Caplinger at 813-335-2455.

If you are on Facebook, search for “Strawberry Ridge 55+ Community and LIKE US to see the latest community activity and information in your news feed. You can also see many Strawberry Ridge videos on YouTube at

If you have Spectrum Cable, you can watch the Community Channel on channel 95, 98-1, or 732 depending on your tv tuner. If you don’t have cable, you can see the community channel at the top of the Strawberry Ridge Blog on the sidebar.

The SR Office sends out Email Blasts when there is breaking news that everyone should know about.  If you are not already receiving them, please stop by the office to sign up.

In addition, there are Bulletin Boards in various locations around Strawberry Ridge and at the Hwy. 60 entrance. There is no reason to be uninformed at the Ridge!

Quilting Club




The quilting group is resuming in-person meetings in April. We will be meeting every Tuesday afternoon from 1 to 4 PM in the Clubhouse. We welcome anyone who wants to join us. We have newbies and experienced quilters. During the pandemic we kept in touch via Zoom and our Facebook page. A few of us worked together on a Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt which kept us busy. While we all used the same colors, each quilt is quite different. Others worked on their own projects which we shared on our Facebook page. We will be working on a quilt to donate to the Benevolent Fund for their raffle as well as other projects selected by the group.

Please call Pat Dunlap, 813-245-5102, or Paula Somers, 813-541-902, for more information. We look forward to meeting you.

Penny Bingo


 YEA !!!! Penny Bingo started on Monday March 8. RESIDENTS ONLY.

Masks are required and social distancing  -  it is already set up for 4 to a table.
You may bring your own drink and snack.
Please be NO later than 12:40 as we start at 1:00 pm. This gives time for us to collect the pennies!
Any  questions call Mary   654-7955.  Hope to see you there.

Zoom Instructions



Due to the covid-19 crisis, many organizations have taken to Zooming members rather than meeting in person. To name a few of the Ridge clubs meeting this way, they are SRHA, Computer Club, Quilters, R.A.C., etc.  It's a convenient and safe way to meet.  You don't have to head out to your car or drive to the meeting, you can even sit in your pajamas if you like, and have a beverage of your choice. And the best part of all is that you can hear the speaker without the chitter/chatter going on at your table.

All you have to do is download the Zoom App ( onto your computer, tablet, or phone.

When you sign into Zoom and create an account, you will be able to “Join Meeting”. Then you need to have the meeting ID and the Password. (In most instances, you will be sent an email with the link that you can click or tap on, and you are in.  If it is posted on a website, just click or tap on the link there and copy it.) You will then enter the “waiting room” until a “host” lets you into the meeting. 

Zoom Tips

Mute and Video Buttons may be at the top or bottom of the screen for computer/internet users. Different computers/tablets/smartphones are a bit different. You can unmute yourself here if asked to speak or give a report. If Video button is on, other members can see you. You can turn it off and still watch and listen without being seen. If there is a guest speaker, we are suggesting that you turn off both audio and video components. You can communicate with the host through the chat function at the bottom on the screen.

Chat Button is where you can make a comment or type a question which can be seen by everyone in the lower right corner.

Speaker and Gallery Views is in upper right corner and where you can change how your see others. Easy to change back and forth.

Bad Connection can be caused by weak connections so here are a few things to try. If using a Wi-Fi connection move closer to your base station. If sharing the Wi-Fi with others, ask them to minimize their use for your meeting. Try turning off your video. You can also use a tablet or smartphone for Zoom but some of the settings/buttons will differ or may not be available.

So don't miss out on meetings/events...Zooming is not that hard.