Tags, Sewer Problems, Mail Problems, Parking Rules, etc

 MISCELLANEOUS INFO -- Tags, Sewer Problems, Mail Problems, Parking Rules, etc.

RENT:  If you would like to have your rent automatically deducted each month, stop by the Sales Office and fill out a form and give them a voided check from your bank account.  It's just that simple.  You will no longer have to remember to bring your payment up to the Sales Office by the 15th.  They will take care of it for you.  You can also have your water bill deducted automatically too. Changes must be made by the last day of the month in order to take effect on the 15th of the following month.  If you pay by money order, please make sure your name & address are legible so that the proper account can be credited.

PARKING:  We would like to remind everyone that parking on the street is allowed for a reasonable length of time only. Please do not park on both sides of the street or for longer than an hour or two.  Service and emergency vehicles must be able to drive through the park unencumbered.  Also, parking on the sidewalk or grass is prohibited.  Thank you for your attention to these matters!

TAGS:  Display tags in a window that is visible from the street. The county DOES come and make sure each resident is displaying them.  The fine for not renewing and displaying the tags can be pretty steep.......like $500!  So let's have full compliance. (Single wide requires one tag, double wide two tags and triple wide three tags.) Tags must be paid for by 12/31 in advance of the year you are paying for.

SEWER:  If your sewer is plugged, your first call should be to the SR Office so we can determine if the problem is a SR problem or your problem. SR is responsible from the clean out to the main line. If the clean out has no water standing in it, then it is the responsibility of the homeowner.

MAIL:  If you are experiencing Mail problems (getting someone else's mail or your mail in someone else's box), please call the Post Office (not SR Office) at 657-0495. The Sales Office cannot do anything about mail problems.

HOUSE NUMBERS:  The Fire Marshall found several homes that either had missing house numbers or had numbers that were not visible from the street. Please check your home and see that you have house numbers that are at least 3" in height and are visible from the street. They will issue a citation for not doing so. You can purchase the numbers at WalMart. If the emergency vehicle is looking for your house, you want them to find it quickly. Remember, your life could depend on it!