STAY INFORMED! (5/09/21)
There are always many wonderful things going on in Strawberry Ridge. And it’s easy to keep informed on them all. Here are a few to mention:
There is a great Phone Directory that is updated every year. It contains all kinds of useful information…a listing of all the residents and their phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses. You will also find contact info for the Sales Office, the Homeowners Association, and a listing of all the clubs and activities along with contact info. The phone directory is free to all residents. If you don't have one, call Rose Panella at 918-0126, and she will get one to you.
The StrawberryToppings is distributed to each home by the 1st of each month. It contains all the recent announcements and news about all the activities and the community. Do use it for reference throughout the month. If you have articles for the Toppings, you can send them to Bob Burfitt, Editor, at The deadline is the 15th of each month. If you are having problems getting one delivered to your home, contact Diana Lemon at 903-539-1437
If you have a computer, you can check the Strawberry Ridge Blog every day at There are also blogs for Computer Club, Travel Club, Toppings, the Veterans Club, SR Bulletin Board, R.A.C. (Resident Advisory Council,) The Late Bloomers (garden club,) and the Homeowner’s Association which are listed on the sidebar. You will find information for the activities, events calendar, and many more things on the blogs. Articles and pictures for the Blogs can be submitted to or call Larry Caplinger at 813-335-2455.
If you are on Facebook, search for “Strawberry Ridge 55+ Community” and LIKE US to see the latest community activity and information in your news feed. You can also see many Strawberry Ridge videos on YouTube at
If you have Spectrum Cable, you can watch the Community Channel on channel 95, 98-1, or 732 depending on your tv tuner. If you don’t have cable, you can see the community channel at the top of the Strawberry Ridge Blog on the sidebar.
The SR Office sends out Email Blasts when there is breaking news that everyone should know about. If you are not already receiving them, please stop by the office to sign up.
In addition, there are Bulletin Boards in various locations around Strawberry Ridge and at the Hwy. 60 entrance. There is no reason to be uninformed at the Ridge!