Sunday, May 9, 2021

Strawberry Ridge Payment Drop Box


NEW Payment Drop Box at the Sales office (9/30/20)


We have a NEW Payment Drop Box

As of today, you will see some changes at the Sales Office.  In order to help protect our residents and staff from COVID-19, we are trying to minimize the amount of foot traffic in the Sales Office.  A Payment Drop Box has been installed at the beginning of the ramp where you can place ALL of your payments, whether they are Rent, Water, or Storage.  This will be more convenient to make the payments, as you will not have to walk up the incline to the office.

 Also, we will no longer be making copies of checks as a receipt, your cancelled check will serve as your copy.  There is another way to ensure your payment has been received, you can sign up for ACH (Automatic Withdrawal from a Checking or Savings Account).  Please contact Sherri in the office for more information.

If you have an issue that needs our attention you can call us at (813)689-9423.  If you feel that you must come to the office, you MUST wear a face covering. 

Please do not feel discouraged to contact the office.  We are here to serve you.  We are also trying to protect everyone here.  Remember, we are only successful when we work together to keep our community safe.

Thank You,

Keith W. Stevens
General Manager